Courage to Open Doors of Europe

Attention Be Curious

Youth workers training

The 3 organisations partners have implemented good framework for a long term quality. All the professional youth workers mostly less than 30 years old, involved in the project were together in Bad Blankenburg for one week.

The objectives were to get to know each other and create a common approach and a common methodology on the 3 different areas with young people.

The 16 participants have benefited from training on Human rights and Digital tools using. The Youth workers have met elected people and local partners.

15 youth workers from 3 organisations train together on human rights topic
As a youth workers team it's important to feel part
Humans rights workshop. Being trained for common methods no matter the youth exchange
C.O.D.E aBc philosophy shared by locals with the Mayor Mike George
Experiencing activities before Youth exchanges is always better
Human rights activities with Youth must be improved and reflect by grow ups before
Feedback about international youth work
Local impact with Bad Blankenburg Mayor, Mike George
Reflection and training on Youth Work
Youh workers from AWO, MPTLL and SEGA meet Bad Blankenburg youth
Youth workers team are testing communication tools and methods

International team involved in C.O.D.E aBc project